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The Choo Choo Shag Club is in beautiful Chattanooga, TN and has been around for 25 years.  The Club is a subscriber member of the Assoc. of Carolina Shag Clubs and a member of the American Bop Association.  


We dance every Thursday except holidays at the American Legion  in  Chattanooga TN.  Our dance is a totally non smoking event.  The Legion serves food and adult beverages (cash only).  Below are the times and location details of our club night.  

Dances and Lessons



We have just re-started our weekly lessons @ 6:30 every Thursday except for the third Thursday of each month (due to American Legion meeting). Watch the weekly email or the red schedule box our website home page for more info. To be added to the weekly email list, send an email to:


Besides Shag we dance many  popular social dances including swing, rumba, cha cha, blues, country, line dances, waltz, and many others .


We dance every Thursday except holidays.  Admission is only $7 for members and $12 for all others.  First time visitors are free.  This fee includes a free lesson as well as the dance.  The lessons starts at 6:30 PM and the dance is from 7:15 PM to 10 PM.

Shag Tracks is our annual 4 day dance that is held each August.  It has been called the biggest little dance and pool party in the South.  Proceeds from the dance support local charities.  2024 will be the 30 th year for Shag Tracks. It will be held Aug. 14, 15, 16, 17,  2024.    Tickets on sale Feb 20

 Click** for 2019 Shag Tracks pics
Click** here for more 2019 pictures  

** after clicking on the link, find and click on the

six dots ::: in the upper right area for the media view.

Calendar key:  
CCSC -  a Choo Choo Shag Club event
NC - a  non clu
b event  (contact others)   
 Scroll up/down for more dates. Click
 on event for details  
Weekly Dance-TIme & Place  

Every Thursday except Holidays at our new venue: 
         Harrison Center

         5637 TN-58

         Harrison, TN 37341


6:30pm-7:00pm - Free Dance Lesson

7:15pm-10:00pm - Open Dancing





Contact Us
by snail Mail:

Choo Choo Shag Club

PO Box 21030

Chattanooga, TN 37424


​©2020 Choo Choo Shag Club. Proudly created by Bill Moran with

Currently updated and maintained by Tracy Craddock 

Send feedback to:

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